When you are looking for landlord insurance, it’s important for you to get the best quote. A quick internet search will provide you with a collection of companies who are looking to give you the policy you need. So what should you be thinking about when you are collecting buy to let insurance quotes?
The first thing you’ll want to consider is the cost of your proposed premiums. Having a collection of quotes means that you can have an idea of what the best deal is for what you are looking for. Does a particular company give you everything you need for a cheaper price?
What is included in the quote? Having landlord insurance is not required by law, so you may only need to purchase the basics. However, it may work out cheaper for you to buy extras such as tenant contents insurance if you can find a good quote. Make sure you are reviewing what’s included in the quotes you are receiving.
Similarly, does the quote include any free extras or discounts? Some insurance companies may be prepared to give you discounts if you insure more than one property with them. Likewise, they could be inclined to give you free extras with your policy, such as complimentary free accidental damage cover on buildings.
The next factor you should review is the excess costs. What is the difference between the companies in terms of the money you’ll need to put towards your claim? Comparing quotes is the best way of finding the cheapest excess charges and saving you money.
You are more than welcome to compile a collection of quotes. By comparing quotes and reviewing them carefully, you are sure to find a policy that suits your every need and saves you money.