If you are letting out a property, it is a sensible idea to protect yourself financially by taking out insurance cover. Insurance can help you in a number of situations, in which you would otherwise be left with some hefty bills. But hundreds of UK landlords still don’t take out insurance; most end up paying large amounts of money when something goes wrong with their property.
For this reason, you should get insurance cover as soon as possible. One type of important policy is landlords public liability insurance. Public Liability insurance protects you financially if a tenant gets injured in your property, and it is found to be legally your fault. You could be made to pay thousands of pounds in fines and compensation. Of course, if you have the insurance, your insurance provider will cover the costs once you have made a claim.
It is very easy to get landlords public liability insurance. In fact, most landlords insurance policies include it as standard – but you need to check this. This is because it is a key area that nearly all landlords want to be covered in.
If, for whatever reason, you only want to pay for public liability insurance, this is also possible. The easiest way to get it is by researching online. You should find a suitable policy at the lowest available price – use comparison websites to make this process quicker. You will then be able to purchase the insurance online.
Alternatively, contact your current home insurance provider by phone – they may offer you landlords insurance at a lower rate, as you are already a customer. If you would prefer to speak to an agent face-to-face, simply go to an insurance provider on the high street.