If you are currently renting out a property, you may be considering taking out insurance cover. Landlord insurance can protect you financially if anything goes wrong with your property. But with the large number of different insurance policies now available, choosing the right one can be complicated. Here are six ways to get simple landlords insurance.
You can get insurance cover online, which is quick and easy. Simply use a search engine to find insurance providers, and browse through the policies they offer. Make sure the website is well accredited, to avoid being scammed.
A number of comparison websites on the Internet make it quick and easy to get simple landlords insurance. You can enter some basic details about what you are looking for in an insurance policy, and some suitable providers will come up. You can then easily compare their differing policy aspects and prices.
Many insurance companies offer an ‘all in one’ insurance policy, which protects against the common problems rented properties can face. ‘All in one’ policies will help if your property is burgled, if it is damaged in a flood or fire and if a tenant doesn’t pay their rent.
If you are looking for a particular type of insurance, you can select a suitable policy for this need. For instance, if you would like a policy that protects against loss if rent, there are policies that insure against this (and only this, so the insurance is cheaper).
Getting simple landlords insurance from a company on the high street is very easy. You can visit your local branch, where an adviser can help you face to face.
Contacting your current insurance provider is a good idea, if you have one. They may offer you cheaper landlords insurance as you are already a customer.