If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of needing to make an insurance claim, the steps you need to take or simple. Whilst it is stressful and worrying when something goes wrong with a property you rent, your insurance company is there to help. Making a claim on your residential landlords insurance is easy.
Firstly, you need to make sure the residential landlords insurance you have covers the incident that has took place. For instance, if your property was burgled, you will probably need contents insurance, or another insurance policy that protects against burglary. In some cases, you may have the option to claim on a number of your insurance policies (if you pay for more than one type). In this case, look for which has the lower excess charge.
Then, you need to make the claim. The easiest way to do this with the majority of companies is by contacting them and requesting a claim form. Some companies will give you the option of making a claim quickly over the phone. This is the best option if you are unsure about how to make a claim, as you will be able to speak to an adviser.
You will need to have quotes for things such as replacements and repairs. As well as this, you may need to calculate how much revenue you are likely to lose because of the incident. If you have any emergency work done, make sure you keep any receipts.
Finally, don’t try and lie or hide any information when making a claim. Insurance companies always investigate claims carefully to ensure they are valid. If you are found to be providing misinformation, you could face legal action or complications with your claim proceedings.