When you are purchasing your landlord house insurance, you want to make sure that you are receiving the best deal. A quick internet search will present you with a number of offers that are available to you. So what are five ways that you can find cheap landlord house insurance?
Buy your policy online – In this day and age, the internet can be used for just about anything. It may sound obvious, but insurance providers will offer you a discount for purchasing your policy online. This format is also really useful because your policy documents are stored online and are always easily accessible.
Insure multiple properties at once – As a landlord, you may have more than one property that you have available for let. Although insurance is not a legal requirement, it’s strongly advised that you buy it. Some insurance companies will give you a discount for insuring more than one property in a single transaction.
Compare and contrast – You should always try to frequently compare all the offers that are available online. There is no law against collecting quotes, so make sure you are reviewing all the available options. There are a number of websites that will do the comparison for you.
Screen your tenants – If you perform a thorough background check on your potential tenants, you’re ensuring that they are the right tenant for you. You can use the online screening services that are available from some insurance providers.
Be prepared to pay more excess – If you are prepared to put more money towards the claims that you make in excess charges, you’ll see the premiums of your policy decrease. As long as you keep your property in good shape, paying the excess charges may not be necessary.
Using these five tips could help you find a cheap landlord house insurance deal and make being a landlord that little bit easier.